Wednesday, March 18, 2015


In the 21 century,Yue 19years old She is a crazy physicist.last year she was funded an amazing physical theory. She build a greatest giant,and people define it Yue is 21 century greatest physicist!The giant consist water and sand chemical nations.This giant formulas is "H2O +SAND =GIG ",and exclude the Air.The giant can governed by Yue rule,and it can work 24 hours!Many company imitation Yue's giant use to business without license.This situation result in lot of people lose him job.poverty people more tend to poor ,however ,rich people  get more money,dominate the marketing!poor people can't living the house,they are gather on the big nest  like birds.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Yes!I have strongly opposed the opinions of my parent.Becauce it about vegetarian diet.I want eat vegetables,but my parent do not like it!they believe eat meat and vegetables more health than vegetarian!I do not think so!So I strongly opposed with him.But I lose it,they will cancel my all money,if I become vegetarian.


I'm longest period of time absent from school .when I was 12year old in my school take shower and slip dawn to the corner of the is broken my head. Yes!it is broken !lot of the blood teacher helped me call is emergency situations!And I absent from school approximately one month!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Topic 2

I'm from China student at Xinyu city.imagine 500 years my home must turned to dust no doubt! In the Chinese government always want a building new buildings. In the 21 century Xinyu lot of concrete building but government do not like it. However in China rebar and glass building everyone like it.This material is more environment protection than the concrete. Also this material have recovery value.So maybe if you want I imagine my city 500 years in the future,my apartment must be dust and rebar glass building become everywhere .But I believe some public park and museum still exist!

Topic 1

in fact ,i believe i like go to school than the other people.for example last week Adelphi university was closed all day. I stay at home watching tv, it's so boring.However If I go to school I can enjoy all day with my friends.So if I can't go to school I would not rejoice it,as Russian writer Makeim Golgi said:“Learnning is the ladder of progress” we should study in our life anytime, and the school  is best place for study .